Vector3.Lerp 插值
static function Lerp (from : , to : , t : float) :
Linearly interpolates between two vectors.
Interpolates from towards to by amount t.
t is clamped between [0...1]. When t = 0 returns from. When t = 1 returns to. When t = 0.5 returns the average of from and to.
t是夹在 [0...1]之间,当t = 0时,返回from,当t = 1时,返回to。当t = 0.5 返回from和to的平均数。
- 0
// Animates the position to move from start to end within one second//在1秒时间动画位置移动从from开始到to结束。var start : ;var end : ;function Update () { transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(start.position, end.position, Time.time);}
// Follows the target position like with a spring//像弹簧一样跟随目标物体var target : ;var smooth = 5.0;function Update () { transform.position = Vector3.Lerp ( transform.position, target.position, Time.deltaTime * smooth);} 插值的使用很平凡,比如在网络坐标的传送中,每间隔一个fixupdate传送一次的坐标在使用过程中就需要使用到插值的方法达到平滑移动的效果。